Ok, we are coming into the final stretch of my stint as President and entering the turn to the upcoming vote on the new slate of officers! I did not receive any subsequent nominations so the slate, as is presented below and on the bulletin board at the Temple, stands. Thanks to everyone who has agreed to be nominated!
Your Help is Needed
We are in the process of updating the Yahrzeit List for 2018. During 2017, someone requested that Adele Cote be added to the list, but we do not have her date of death and we do not know her relationship to a Temple member. If you have this information, please provide it to Buddy Bernstein or me as soon as you can.
Finance Committee Processes
In December the Finance Committee met and developed some guidelines for future budget planning. Because we are putting some new processes in place, I wanted to go ahead and let you all know what to expect. As has been the annual responsibility of the Finance Committee, an operating budget will be developed and submitted to the Board for approval in early 2018. (When I say operating budget, I am referring to the revenues collected through annual dues and expenses like: paying the Rabbi, the power bill, insurance, etc.)
In addition (and new), the Finance Committee will also develop a capital expenditures budget (these are items that are not part of the daily operations – like a need for a new Yahrzeit board or repairs to the roof, etc) and submit it to the Board for approval. What this means is that any capital expenditure that is requested and/or needed for the upcoming year will need to be presented to the Board, along with the appropriate estimates, no later than February 15 of each year. Because this is the first year of this process, there will be some flexibility in the that deadline but we will make every attempt to stay as close to it as possible. Therefore, if you believe there are important capital expenditures needed, please work with a member of the Board to submit the necessary information and estimates so that it can be considered and voted on during the first Board meeting of 2018.
This process will be discussed further at the Annual Meeting but I wanted to get you started thinking about it now.
Nomination for 2018 Officers and Board Have Been Posted
We are less than 2 weeks away from voting in a new slate of officers. This year’s nominations are shown here and on the bullet board at the Temple. Congratulations to all nominees and thank you so much for agreeing to serve in this capacity!
- President – Ken Wolf
- Vice President – Sybil Abroms
- Secretary – Eugene (Buddy) Bernstein
- Treasurer – Marty Abroms
- Director (completing the 2nd year of a 2-year term) – Nancy Opler
- Director (for a 2 year term) – Alvin Rosenbaum
- Past President – Traci Welch
Annual Congretional Meeting – January 21
Our annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, Janauray 21 at 10:00am. As always, we will hold the meeting in the Temple sancuary and I hope that everyone will do their best to join us! This is the best time for you to share your ideas for the future of our Temple and it is important for you to be there to vote on a proposed amendment to the Constitution as well as the proposed slate of officers. On Sunday (12/31/17) all congregants should have received an email from me that included: 1) the meeting agenda; 2) the proposed Bylaws amendment; and 3) the minutes for the 2017 annual meeting. If you did NOT receive this email, please let me know asap and I will forward a copy of it to you.
Service Schedule
The service schedule for for Janaury is:
- January 12 – Buddy Bernstein
- January 19 – Rabbi Nancy
- January 26 – Rabbi Nancy
As always, congregants and members of the Shoals community, at large, are invited to attend the weekly Torah Study session which is held each Saturday morning at 9:30, at the Temple.
Reminder items:
- Soup Kitchen – Saturday, January 20, please have donations at the Temple no later than 9:30am
- Annual Meeting – Sunday, January 21, 10:00am at the Temple
If you are aware of something in the community that you would like me to draw some attention to in my message, please let me know! And, as always, if you have any announcements you would like for me to share with our membership, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I hope everyone has a fabulous week and I will see you Friday night.
Traci Welch