Rabbi Messages

Beshalach Exodus 13:17-17:16 Tu B’Shevat

We are surrounded by gifts. Every day is a gift of life.  We see the gift of a clear blue sky and sunshine.  We feel the gift of a kiss on the cheek from a child or a hug from a friend.  We bask in the gift of a smile.  We enjoy the gift of a homecooked meal that...

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Va’eira Exodus

There is an order to everything in our lives. We have to be born before we can cry.  We have to crawl before we can walk.  We have to learn the alphabet before we can read. We have to receive training before we can work. Our spirituality also has an order to it. We...

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The Power of the Rain Delay

Message from November 4, 2016 Shabbat Shalom everyone! Prior to Wednesday night, there were very few people in the world who were alive the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series.  That’s a big part of why Wednesday night’s game was so exciting.  The Cubs had...

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It’s Not A Race

Shabbat Shalom everyone and Chag Sameach. We have reached the end of the Torah, but more importantly we are about to start reading it all over again. This tradition of reading the end of the Torah and then right away reading the beginning again is tremendously...

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Messages from the president

My Last Message

Well, here it is…my last message as President of the Temple.  It’s been an interesting two years.  I have learned a lot and, hopefully, you feel like I have brought some good to the Temple.  It has been an honor to serve as your President and to work with the...

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