Hello everyone! It is hard to believe that January is almost over and that our annual meeting will be held this coming Sunday! I hope everyone is planning to attend the meeting as we have important votes before us as well as quite a bit of information to share with you all. It will be a busy meeting so please make every effort to be there on time (or even early) so that we can start promptly at 10:00am. As a reminder, the meeting will held this Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 10:00am, at the Temple.
Officer Nominations
While you have likely seen the notice (below) or heard from another member, the nominating committee, chaired by Dick Peshkin and with members of Erwin Coleman and Shelley Wolf have presented their slate of Board Officer nominations for 2017. The following message has been placed on the bulletin board, at the Temple, as is required by our Constitution. Please be prepared to cast your vote, for or against, this slate on Sunday.
Temple B’Nai Israel
ATTN: Traci Welch, President
201 East Hawthorne Street
Florence, Alabama 35630
Dear President Traci,
Following is the report of the 2017 Temple Nominating Committee. It has been posted on the Temple bulletin board, today. It follows the process defined in Article IX of the Temple Constitution.
The nominees are as follows assuming the proposed Bylaws are approved:
President Traci Welch
Vice President Howard Zeff
Treasurer Marty Abroms
Secretary Buddy Bernstein
Past President Dr. Jeffrey Schneider
Board Member-2 year term Nancy Opler
Note: Board Member Michelle Bernstein completes second year–no vote.
In the event the Bylaws are not approved, Marty Abroms will continue as Secretary/Treasurer. There will be no Secretary position. Michelle Bernstein will continue as Board member for the remainder of her current term–one more year.
Members expressing an interest in an office were considered by the Committee. Many thanks for your interest. Members are reminded of Section 2 of Article IX, as follows:
After the slate of nominees presented by the President’s nominating committee is posted, any additional nominations for Officers and Trustees may be offered in writing by three Temple members to the President at least two (2) weeks before the election date and posted on the Temple B’Nai Israel bulletin Board.
Nominating Committee members Erwin Coleman and Shelley Wolf join in this report.
Richard A. Peshkin
Annual Dues/Pledges
Many thanks to all of you who have made your 2017 pledge and/or already paid all of your 2017 dues. If you have not yet responded to Marty’s request for your 2017 dues payment or pledge, please do so as soon as possible. It is important that the Board knows what the operating budget is for 2017 and, without a firm grasp on what the pledged and/or paid 2017 revenues will be, that is very difficult. The 2016 Board has created a listing of several items that they hope the 2017 Board will address but without the participation of all, many of items will have to be left untouched. I know everyone is busy but please take a few minutes to consider what you want to pledge to the Temple for 2017 and get that information to Marty right away.
Services and Torah Study:
Our service schedule through the end of February is as follows:
- January 27 – Rabbi Nancy
- February 3 – Buddy Bernstein
- February 10 – Rabbi Nancy
- February 17 – Rabbi Nancy
- February 24 – Buddy Bernstein
As always, congregants and members of the Shoals community, at large, are invited to attend the weekly Torah Study session which is held each Saturday morning at 9:30, at the Temple.
Reminder items:
- Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, January 29, 10:00am
- Temple Note Cards – Please remember that we have note cards available that can be mailed out on your behalf for occasions when you would like to let someone know you are thinking of them. Contact Barbara Sherr for more details. Check the Temple Directory for her contact information.
If you are aware of something in the community that you would like me to draw some attention to in my message, please let me know! And, as always, if you have any announcements you would like for me to share with our membership, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you this Friday evening!
Traci Welch
PS> I apologize for failing to get a message out last week. As many of you are aware, Don’s mother passed away on January 7th and the funeral was held, in Vermont, on the 18th. Don and I traveled there on the 17th and, despite my best intentions, I failed to get my message composed and sent out prior to our departure. My most sincere apologies!