Look For The Helpers

Fred Rogers, famous for Mr. Roger’s neighborhood, once said “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers.’ You will always find people who are helping.” When two bombs exploded near the finish line at the...

Making Life Count

Message from the April 29, 2016 service. Have you ever noticed our tendency to count down to something? We count down when we launch a rocket. How many of us remember gathering around the TV and hearing the NASA announcer say 10-9-8-7-6……My kids right now are counting...

Building A Temple

From the March 11, 2016 Service. There is a well-known story of two men who were working on a construction team to add a new sanctuary on to a synagogue. A Rabbi passed the first man and asked “what are you doing?”  The worker answered “I’m laying bricks.”  The Rabbi...