Presenting: Ten Gallon Yarmulke
by Traci Welch | Jul 19, 2016 | President Messages
Hello everyone! We have an exciting weekend coming up! This Saturday, at 2pm, we host our annual WC Handy Festival event at the Temple – this year called Ten Gallon Yarmulke! We are so lucky that the musical Tunick/Whitehead Family is willing to share their talent...Preparing for the Rummage Sale
by Traci Welch | Jul 12, 2016 | President Messages
Hello everyone! The Social Committee and a number of volunteers met on Tuesday of last week to make plans for ensuring the success of our Rummage Sale in August. Here are some of the decisions that were made and where volunteers are needed: This weekend – Volunteers...Change in the Schedule for this Week!
by Traci Welch | Jul 5, 2016 | President Messages
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! We got lucky with the weather, for the most part. And, hopefully, today we will get a bit more desperately needed rain! Keep up with what is going on at the Temple by checking the Website calendar...Happy 4th of July (almost)!
by Traci Welch | Jun 29, 2016 | President Messages
So, I must start with a sincere apology for not getting this note off sooner this week! It has been a crazy week at work for me and it completely slipped my mind. While that is not a good excuse, it’s just a reality for me this go round. The good news is that it’s a...Ten Gallon Yarmulke is on the way!
by Traci Welch | Jun 21, 2016 | President Messages
Yep! Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 23 and get ready to have some fun when the Temple hosts a WC Handy Festival event called the Ten Gallon Yarmulke…featuring our very own Rabbi Nancy Tunick and her talented husband, Scott Whitehead! The Social Committee is...