No Services This Friday!
by Traci Welch | May 2, 2017 | President Messages
If you haven’t already heard, please note that we will NOT hold services this Friday. A number of circumstances occurred that make cancellation necessary this week but we’ll be back to our regular schedule again starting on Friday, May 12 (see the upcoming schedule,...Handy Fest is Back on Our Schedule
by Traci Welch | Apr 25, 2017 | President Messages
Hello to you all! Well, last Friday was a lot of fun! We had quite a turn-out for Adolph’s, Shelley’s and Carl’s birthday celebration – including friends and family from out of town! Tara Warpup made a beautiful – and absolutely delicious – cake for the occasion. (By...Adolph is Turning 90!
by Traci Welch | Apr 18, 2017 | President Messages
Hello everyone! I don’t have a lot to share this week so this will be really short. One thing I do want to remind everyone about is that Adolph Abroms has a big birthday celebration this weekend! He turns 90! While there is a large, community event at the Gold...What a Wonderful Seder!
by Traci Welch | Apr 11, 2017 | President Messages
Wow! What a fabulous Seder last night! It was wonderful to see such a big turn-out! Rabbi Nancy led us through another uplifting service that included just the right combination of observance and humor. Buddy Bernstein and the Seder Committee (Howard and Jane Zeff,...Seder Plans Are Set
by Traci Welch | Apr 4, 2017 | President Messages
Well, we are in the final week of preparation for the Seder…Buddy Bernstein and team are completing the final steps to ensure all will be ready to go when everyone arrives on Monday night…And it sounds like it is going to be a wonderful night! I look forward to...