More Fun at the Temple!
by Traci Welch | Mar 22, 2017 | President Messages
Let me start by saying I apologize that I am a day late getting this out this week…I don’t know where my day went yesterday! At this point, all I can do is apologize and promise to do better next week! So, I am so sorry! But, on to more important things… Our first...Fun at the Temple!
by Traci Welch | Mar 14, 2017 | President Messages
Well, if you were not able to join us this past Friday for our Purim celebration, you missed out on a lot of fun! We had a really nice turn-out of our members and guests and everyone really enjoyed the service. Thanks to everyone who participated in our hamantaschen...Celebrating Purim!
by Traci Welch | Mar 7, 2017 | President Messages
Even though Purim actually begins this Saturday evening, we will have our Temple celebration this Friday, during our regular service. We are looking forward to a fun shpiel, led by Rabbi Nancy and, I believe, including some accompaniment by Scott and the kids…Costumes...Taking a few steps…
by Traci Welch | Mar 1, 2017 | President Messages
It seems like every day when I turn on the news there is another story about an anti-Semitic act somewhere in this country. From bomb threats at Jewish day schools, community centers and synagogues to vandalism in Jewish cemeteries. The good news, as far as I have...Hope you enjoyed President’s Day!
by Traci Welch | Feb 21, 2017 | President Messages
As a banker, I always enjoy President’s Day as it is a holiday for us…but, whether you had the day off or not, I hope you enjoyed the nice weather we had over the weekend and maybe had a chance to participate is a sale or two! It’s hard to believe we are having...