Special Oneg This Friday
by Traci Welch | Feb 7, 2017 | President Messages
Hello all! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that you enjoyed the Super Bowl, the halftime show or the commercials – or all of the above! While I was disappointed in the commercials (I am always hoping for a lot of laughs), the game itself was quite exciting...Thank You!!
by Traci Welch | Jan 31, 2017 | President Messages
I want to thank everyone that attended our annual meeting this past Sunday. We covered a lot of information and had some wonderful conversations! If you were not able to join us, in short we: Reviewed the accomplishments of 2016 Unanimously voted to approve the new...Annual Meeting This Sunday
by Traci Welch | Jan 24, 2017 | President Messages
Hello everyone! It is hard to believe that January is almost over and that our annual meeting will be held this coming Sunday! I hope everyone is planning to attend the meeting as we have important votes before us as well as quite a bit of information to share with...Officer and Board Nominations Have Been Posted
by Traci Welch | Jan 10, 2017 | President Messages
Well…I am assuming we will have safer weather conditions this Friday and it will be nice to get back together! It feels like forever since I have been able to join you all for services so I’m really looking forward to getting back there this week! I apologize for the...Happy 2017!
by Traci Welch | Jan 3, 2017 | President Messages
Hello everyone and welcome to 2017! I expect it will take me about two months to actually date anything correctly but at least I do KNOW it’s 2017…Ha! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that your Hanukkah was full of family, friends and lots of...