Soup Kitchen this Week!
by Traci Welch | Dec 14, 2016 | President Messages
Let me start by apologizing for getting this message out so late this week. My week has been a little crazy and it honestly just slipped my mind. The good news is there really isn’t a lot of new information to share – mostly reminders – so, you haven’t missed much!...Proposed New Bylaws
by Traci Welch | Dec 6, 2016 | President Messages
Hello to all on this rainy day in December! I’m not complaining (much) as we have so desperately needed the rain, but it’s kind of cold and wet out there! It seems that winter might actually be trying to find its way here… By now you should have received an email or...Hope Your Thanksgiving was A Blessing!
by Traci Welch | Nov 29, 2016 | President Messages
Well, I really intended to get a message out last week but I think the preparations around our house, for the family celebration, totally occupied my mind and it just didn’t happen. Please forgive me. The good news is that there really wasn’t a lot to share so you...Many Thanks to our Veterans
by Traci Welch | Nov 15, 2016 | President Messages
Hello everyone! This is another week where I don’t have a lot of news to share. I guess after we get through the holiday season things simply slow down a good bit…so, again, mainly just reminders… Veterans Day Celebration If you were not able to join us for services...Welcome to November – is it Fall Yet?
by Traci Welch | Nov 1, 2016 | President Messages
It’s hard to believe the High Holidays – and other related holidays – are over. There was so much going on in October it just seems to have rushed by! I hope everyone found the various celebrations fulfilling, inspirational and fun! Thanks to all that contributed in...