Hello all!
If you haven’t been in the Synagogue lately, you will be surprised to see how much GREAT stuff we have for the Rummage Sale this weekend! Our members and individuals from the community have been very generous in their donations for the sale and our Social Committee is expecting it to be a fabulous event! You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to find those items that are “exactly what you’ve been looking for”! While a number of people have already volunteered their time, there is even MORE of a need this week!! Below is a message Howard Zeff sent out earlier this week:
“The week of our Rummage sale has arrived and we are getting so close to being ready. Thank you to everyone who has lent a helping hand. The following are bullets of what needs to be done this week. The big days we need you are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
- Thursday, August 18 we will take everything out to the parking lot and set-up. We will begin at 1pm…need your help here…should be done by 6pm
- Please come for the pre-sale as a time to see what we are doing, take advantage of the items for sale, and most importantly, to fellowship with one another.
- Volunteers for sale days. We need you especially on Friday at 5:30am for the beginning of the sale, I expect we will have a very large crowd when we open at 6am. We also need you on Saturday from 6-2.
- Spread the word. Please help us to spread the word about this sale. Post it on your social media sites as well as tell your friends and neighbors. Many of you have been there to see the abundance of great items we have – at terrific prices.
- We have been posted on our Temple Facebook page; Shoals Buy, Sell, Trade and Bid; Shoals Sell Barn; and Shoals Yard Sale. In addition, we had an ad in the Courier Journal last week and will again this week, we also have an ad in the Times Daily from Wednesday to Saturday this week, and are hoping to be in the Religion Calendar in the Times Daily on Saturday. We also will be posting yard signs, signs on neighborhood poles, etc.
- FOOD…notice the bold importance of this…When you come to volunteer, if you would bring a small snack or treat to share that will make for happy workers.
- Please let me know when you can help!! if you have already told me, please confirm it again.
- I feel this will be huge, we are estimating $1,000 for the Temple, most people think this is conservative. It has been a lot of work, but fun working together with so many of you!
I look forward to hearing from you. THANKS!!!! …Howard”
Many thanks to all who have helped with the preparations but I must say a HUGE THANK YOU to Howard and Jane Zeff as they have worked tirelessly on this project! Please come out and support our Rummage Sale!!!
Temple Board Meeting Notes
To continue sharing information from the Board Meeting on July 31… Another item that was discussed is the current state of the Temple’s corporate documents. Buddy Bernstein and the Legal Committee (Buddy, Traci and Marty) have done a significant amount of work on the project and have made a number of recommendations to the Board. The first step in the process is to amend and restate our Certificate of Incorporation to bring it into compliance with current nonprofit corporate law. The Legal Committee presented the necessary documents to the Board for approval. With a few minor changes, the Board unanimously approved the documents they presented. There is more work to be done and I will share more on that as we proceed. If you would like to learn more about what all of this means, please feel free to reach out to me at any time and I will be happy to share more of the specifics.
Services and Torah Study:
Please remember that, due to the dates of our Rummage Sale, there will be NO SERVICES THIS WEEK!!! The Website calendar as been updated to reflect/communicate this change but please be sure that others who might have planned to attend are made aware of this change! For your refernece, we now have informaton on who will be leading the services for most of the dates in September and October:
- August 19 – NO SERVICE
- August 26 – Rabbi Nancy
- September 2 – Buddy Bernstein
- September 9 – Rabbi Nancy
- September 16 – Rabbi Nancy
- September 23 – Rabbi Nancy
- September 30 – Robert Adler
- October 2-3 – Rosh Hashanah – Rabbi Nancy
- October 7 – Ritual Committee
- October 11-12 – Yom Kippur – Rabbi Nancy
- October 14 – Ritual Committee
- October 21 – Rabbi Nancy
- October 28 – Ritual Committee
Torah Study will be held in an alternate location again this week due to the Rummage Sale. The group will meet at the Florence Public Library on Saturday, August 20. The meeting will held in the Genealogy Room, at the usual time of 9:30am. It has been confirmed that the coffee shop WILL be open for business at that time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate the flexibility of our study leader, Dick Peshkin. Note>Torah Study will return to the Temple on Saturday, August 27.
Reminder items:
- Temple Rummage Sale is scheduled for this Friday, August 19th (6am-3pm) and Saturday, August 20th (6am-2pm). See Howard’s note, above.
- This Thursday night the men of the Temple (Brotherhood?) are invited to come to the Temple for a cookout. For more information on this, contact Don Welch at welchworks1@yahoo.com.
- We are responsible for desserts at the Soup Kitchen Saturday, August 20th. Please plan to bring homemade (a favorite) or store-bought dessert items to the Temple no later than 9:30am, Saturday, August 20th.
- UNA Speaker, Inge Auerbacher, will join us for services Friday, September 16 and will present a slide show and talk on Saturday, September 17 at 4:00, at the Temple.
- The High Holidays will be here soon! Please make plans to join us Sunday evening, October 2 and Monday, October 3 for Rosh Hashanah as well as Tuesday evening, October 11 and Wednesday, October 12 for Yom Kippur.
- We now have Temple Cards that can be mailed out on your behalf. Contact Barbara Sherr for more details. Check the Temple Directory for her contact information.
If you are aware of something in the community that you would like me to draw some attention to in my message, please let me know! And, as always, if you have any announcements you would like for me to share with our membership, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I look forward to seeing everyone (along with all your friends) at the Rummage Sale this weekend! Until then, I wish you all well and I hope you have a wonderful week!
Traci Welch