I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day celebration and weren’t kept up too late with the neighborhood fireworks! Nothing new to report this week so this will really just be a lot of repeating of what you read last week – but that isn’t to say it isn’t worth reading again…OH – and the Soup Kitchen reminder is new this week!
Special Oneg for Ray Cavadel
Please remember that we will be celebrating Ray Cavadel’s 90th birthday this Friday evening, July 14th, following services. We are planning a special oneg and everyone is asked to bring a finger food of some type to share with other members and guests. A cake will be provided so we really don’t need sweets but, if that is your preference, share what makes you happy! Rabbi Nancy will be here to celebrate with us too.
Soup Kitchen Weekend
This is once again our weekend to provide desserts for the Soup Kitchen. So, while you’re cooking for Ray’s oneg, take a little time to also bake up a sweet for the Soup Kitchen! Please plan on helping us meet the need by either providing a homemade dessert or by picking something up at the store and bringing it by the Temple no later than 9:30 this Saturday morning (July 15). If you don’t have time to do either of these, finacial donations are also apprecited! Please let Fran Jacobs know if you will be bringing a dessert item to donate.
“Fiddler on the Roof” is Coming to the Shoals
What is your favorite song from “Fiddler on the Roof”? That’s a tough one for me! Just a reminder that this much beloved musical will be performed at the Ritz Theatre in Sheffield this month. Performances will be Thursday July 20 – Saturday, July 22 and then again on Thursday, July 27 and Friday, July 28. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students. Hope to see you there!
A Gig at the Gogue – 2017 Handy at the Temple Event
We are blessed again this year to have Rabbi Nancy and Scott Whitehead to perform at the Temple during the WC Handy festival. The Handy at the Temple performance will be Saturday July 29th starting at 2:00pm. You won’t want to miss this fun, moving and educational event so add it to your calendar now! Volunteers are needed to help set up prior to the event and to help clean-up/straighten-up following the event. If you can help with either or both, please contact Howard Zeff at [email protected] and let him know now.
Social Event at the Lake!
I can’t believe it is almost time for school to start back…so, before that happens (or maybe even after for some folks), let’s have some fun on the lake! Buddy and Michelle Bernstein have generously invited us all to their beautiful home on Pickwick Lake so plan to bring a “covered dish” item to share for lunch and join us on Saturday, August 12, from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Don’t forget your bathing suit!
Erwin’s Books – Hot off the Press
If you haven’t already purchased a copy of the updated addition of Erwin’s Book, A History of Temple B’nai Israel, get one now before they are all gone! Howard Zeff has a few autograhed copies left so be sure and ask for one of those before they are all snatched up! Also, please let your friends and family know the books are now available. Get a copy for only $20 by contacting Howard Zeff.
Service Schedule
The service schedule for the months of July and August is as follows:
- July 14 – Rabbi Nancy
- July 21 – Buddy Bernstein
- July 28 – Rabbi Nancy
- Aug 4 – Ken Wolf
- Aug 11 – Rabbi Nancy
- Aug 18 – Robert Adler
- Aug 25 – Rabbi Nancy
As always, congregants and members of the Shoals community, at large, are invited to attend the weekly Torah Study session which is held each Saturday morning at 9:30, at the Temple.
Reminder items:
- Ray Cavadel 90th Birthday Celebration – Friday, July 14 (after services) – please bring a finger food item to share
- Soup Kitchen – Saturday, July 15 – please bring dessert items to the Temple no later than 9:30am
- WC Handy Festival at the Temple – Saturday, July 29, 2pm – stay tuned for more details
- Social Event at the Lake – Saturday, August 12, 11am-5pm – please bring a cover dish item to share for lunch
If you are aware of something in the community that you would like me to draw some attention to in my message, please let me know! And, as always, if you have any announcements you would like for me to share with our membership, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you all on Friday!
Traci Welch